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立涌 ・ たてわく ・ tatewaku  |  たちわく ・ tachiwaku

Rising steam. A repeated vertical geometric design consisting of wavy lines where the space between two neighboring lines gets bigger and smaller in a consistently repeating pattern. The design can consist of simple lines or colored areas outlining the shapes of the pattern, or the pattern can be combined (filled) with different other patterns. The design is most often displayed as a repeating all-over pattern but also exists as a scattered or partial pattern.  

Many combinations of the pattern exist. 

  • Kikutatewaku (菊立涌・きくたてわく) - A very common combination of a tatewaku pattern filled with stylized (often diamond/lozenge-shaped) chrysanthemum (kiku) flowers.
  • Hanabishitatewaku (花菱立涌・はなびしたてわく) - A tatewaku pattern filled with (mostly) vertical lozenge-shaped (hishi) stylized flowers (hana). The flowers are commonly karabana (an imaginary flower). 
  • Kumotatewaku (雲立涌・くもたてわく) - A tatewaku pattern filled with a cloud pattern (kumo).
  • Karakusatatewaku (唐草立涌・からくさたてわく) - A tatewaku design filled/combined with vines (karakusa).
  • Namitatewaku (波立涌・なみたてわく) - A Tatewaku pattern filled with a wave design.

Many other combinations with different patterns and flowers exist. A combination of tatewaku and ume (plum) would not surprisingly be called ume-tatewaku (梅立涌・うめたてわく) or tatewaku-ni-ume (立涌に梅, ume inside tatewaku).
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