Tortoiseshell. Turtle shell. A hexagonal shape similar to a tortoiseshell segment. The pattern symbolizes longevity. The shape can be used as-is or as part of a repeating pattern.
A repeating pattern consisting of connected kikkou is called kikkou-tsunagi (亀甲つなぎ).
The shape can be combined with other designs to create different motifs. Some of the most common are listed below.
- Kikkouhanabishi (亀甲花菱) - a (diamond-shaped) flower enclosed in a kikko shape.
- Bishamon-kikkou (毘沙門亀甲) - a combination of three connected kikkou shapes. The three kikkou are either shown as three individual kikkou, or they are merged into one shape (resembling a capital Y). Named after the pattern on the armor worn by the Japanese god of war Bishamonten (毘沙門天).